Ainsworth Nebraska Baseball Field
Ainsworth Nebraska

Ainsworth Nebraska baseball stadium


Ainsworth is a town of about 2,000 people in north central Nebraska. The ball diamond is located in East City Park. It has a large press box and a nice set of stands. The ball diamond is more like one you would find in a city three times the size of Ainsworth. Ainsworth Stands


ONeill Nebraska Baseball entrance The diamond is one of a complex of sports fields at East City Park. The light poles are unique and add a "cool" factor to the park.
infield at Ainsworth Nebraska
The infield is excellent. Nice grass, well manicured and the outfield is similar in its quality. The field is home to the local American Legion Team.
infield at Ainsworth Nebraska
infield at Ainsworth Nebraska


Ainsworth Gas Station Ainsworth is the county seat of Brown County. It has its own radio staton (KBRB) The town features a modern gas station right off of Highway 20.


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